Plastic Heat Exchangers

Current Products

Corrosion Resistance

Made entirely of plastic Polycoil heat exchangers are highly corrosion resistant



Rectangular Heat Exchangers

Tube & Shell

Curved Exchangers

Polycoil logo - plastic heat exchanger

Cesaroni Technology Incorporated is at the forefront of the developing high performance polymeric heat exchanger systems, under the brand name Polycoil.  

These all-plastic exchangers offer high heat transfer in a package that is corrosion free, lightweight, and durable.  Currently they are available in three types.


Polycoil logo - plastic heat exchanger

Plastic Heat Exchangers

How can “plastic” work for a heat exchangers……..???

Current Products

Plastics are traditionally thought of as good thermal insulators and poor thermal conductors……so how could an all-plastic heat exchanger work???

Its actually quite simple……. although plastics cannot “Conduct” heat they can “Transfer Heat” very effectively if there is little thermal resistance (R).

The thermal conductivity of plastics is very low compared to metals (i.e. copper, aluminum, steel, etc). However thermal resistance is not just based on Thermal Conductivity (k), but also two other components Surface Area (A) and Wall thickness (t)

R = t / k A

To get plastic heat exchangers to transfer heat effectively we  need to minimize the wall thickness and maximize the surface area. 

This is precisely how our Polycoil plastic heat exchangers work. We utilize a small diameter (Ø 0.118in) tube with an extremely thin-wall (0.0075in thickness). With the ultra-thin wall the thermal resistance is minimized.  By leveraging small diameter tubing we are able to bundle hundreds of tubes together providing a very large primary surface area (A) for heat transfer.  Combining these two elements is what allows plastic heat exchangers to function equivalently to their metal heat exchanger competitor. 

What separates Polycoil plastic heat exchangers apart is  in our proprietary welding technology of these ultra-thin wall tubes.   





Plastic Heat Exchangers

Tube & Shell

Rectangular Exchangers

Curved Exchangers

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Corrosion Resistance

High Heat Transfer

Reduced Fouling/Scaling

Light Weight

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What we offer

Off-the-shelf products, R&D prototypes, In-house testing facilities

Engineering services to meet your needs

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Polycoil  Logo Plastic Heat Exchanger

What makes Polycoil different

With our propriety welding technologies we are able use ultra thin plastics to create heat exchangers that perform as well as metal without its limitations